
Thursday, June 30, 2011

iPhone 6 With A6 Chip Coming In 2012 (REPORT)

iPhone 5 hasn't been released yet, but look what at what this Chinese newspaper claims. Commercial Times reports that Apple is currently working on a new iPhone 6 with what it calls A6 Chip. The report says that the A6 chips will not be manfauctured by Samsung, but by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).

In another report from Digitimes, Apple would manufacture 15 million iPhone 5s will be available in the first 4 weeks from its relase in August or September.

Keep in touch and we'll be covering any more news.

Chinese Woman Offers Her Virginity To Get An iPhone 4

Well.. Look at what this woman offers in exchange for an iPhone 4. The Korea Herald reports that a young Chinese woman is making an 'ad' in which she is offering to trade her virginity for an iPhone 4.

This crazy teen has posted some pictures of herself and posted some personal information on Weibo. She is willing to sell her virginity to get an iPhone 4 as an exchange. The girl is doing that because she dreams of owning an iPhone 4 but she doesn't have enough money to buy a one.

So do you think this will be a problem for Apple? Do you think the iPhone 4 deserves her virginity?

[via iDB]

Mac OS X 10.6.8 Available For Download ! Get Ready For Your Mac For OS X Lion !

Apple has today released Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard that fixes some issues and enhances the Mac App Store to get it ready for Lion in July. Full changelog found below:

Enhance the Mac App Store to get your Mac ready to upgrade to Mac OS X Lion
Resolve an issue that may cause Preview to unexpectedly quit
Improve support for IPv6
Improve VPN reliability
Identify and remove known variants of Mac Defender
Here's the download links for all updates:

The iPhone Turns 4 Years Old Today

Happy birthday iPhone! Just 4 years ago from today Apple unvieled it's first ever Apple product the Apple iPhone. Steve Jobs, on his first keynote, announced his most-popular device the iPhone.This amazing product has utterly changed the mobile industry in only four years.
The iPhone was launched on 29th June, 2007. But this year, 2011, have been a great year for iPhone users starting from announcing the iPhone 4 to the iPad 2 and iOS 5.

Mashable has made an infographic which takes a look at the first 4 years of Apple's iPhone. Happy birthday iPhone.

This iPhone 5 Design Concept Is Really Awesome (PICTURES)

I hope I get an iPhone like this because it's really awesome. Michal Bonikowski has created a concept of what the new iPhone 5 might look like. YokoDesign posts:
What are you predictions for the iPhone 5? I heard someplace that a curved display was in the making and attention was being given to the antenna issues. Designer Michal Bonikowski feels that the new version will be safe and predictable, simply because Apple canĂ¢€™t afford another failed version. In his conceptual version Michal converts glass enclosure into proven aluminum; steel frame remains as a reference to the previous version and directly to the iPad 2. Also, the key functions is converted from mechanical to sensory.
Have fun and leave your thoughts:

[via iClarified]

Apple To Offer Free iPhone 3GS (With Contract) This Year (REPORT)

Apple is expected to launch the iPhone 5 this fall and bring a lot of new features that we don't even know yet. AppleInsider today has posted a report which claims that Apple is prepared to offer the iPhone 3GS, first released in 2009, as a free subsidized phone with a two-year service contract.

According to an Analyst:
While a $49 iPhone is already available (AT&T), psychologically a $0 iPhone provides a compelling offer," Abramsky wrote in a note to investors. "Proprietary survey data... suggests 14% are very/somewhat likely to buy the iPhone 3GS for free with 2-year contract, exceeding buying interest for the iPad (13%) and original iPhone (9%).
Analysts are not the most reliable sources but they're good to be trusted. The iPhone 3GS was dropped to $99 with contract and it won't differ a lot with Apple in case it dropped the iPhone 3GS to free with a 2 years' contract.

This Jailbreak Tweak Lets You Run Multiple Apps Side By Side on iPad

Aaron Ash, a well-famous iPhone developer, has today managed to run two iPhone apps side by side on the iPad. The developer of the tweak didn't mention it's name and didn't give an ETA on his blog post but he said it's going to be public soon.

Yes, and it actually works! I’ve wasted plenty of time already playing 2 games of Angry Birds at the same time. (I actually was playing 3 for a while, but it crashed when I tried to add a 4th). There are a few bugs, such as audio not working, and accelerometer events not getting sent to applications; it may take a while to sort these out. The bottom right button turns on “edit mode” which allows you to rearrange applications, and rotate them (Angry Birds normally runs in landscape, here they’re turned). I’m debating on if I should go for the typical desktop feel or make it more SpringBoard-like and keep apps in preset locations. I probably won’t have time to really polish this up and release for a few months, but I’ll keep hacking away at it and possibly post updates every now and then. Performance is actually pretty good, definitely useable.
[via MacStories]

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Apple gunning for Android in India with unlocked iPhone 3GS

The iPhone 4 officially landed in the 1.2 billion people market of India on May 27, beginning at 34,500  Indian rupees (about $760) for the 16GB version after a two-year service agreement. But pricing the phone at $760 (which also raised red flags with the government) meant putting the iconic product out of reach for the 41.6 percent of the total population that lives below the international poverty line of $1.25 a day.
No wonder Android is a big hit in India. Not for long, if Apple has any say over it. According to a local report, Apple’s pulling out its secret weapon – the cheaper, unlocked iPhone 3GS which is now being advertised by local carriers Airtel and Aircel. It ain’t gonna be cheap either – certainly not by the living standards of the 41.6 percent of impoverished population – but the upper-middle class could take the bait:

Apple has divulged plans to relaunch its iPhone 3GS, which was then only available through network operators like Vodafone and Airtel. The new unlocked version will come with 8GB internal storage at a very reasonable price of 19,990 Indian rupees (about $444). Apple’s latest iOS version 4.3 supports iPhone 3GS, making it a worthy opponent to similarly-priced Android devices with better hardware. Apple has also said that iOS 5 will work on iPhone 3GS though it is likely that not all features will be supported.

Despite Tim Cook’s insistence that iPhone is not for the rich, that has pretty much been the case thus far. And for all the talk about an inexpensive iPhone for the masses, Apple is still a high-end play. That strategy is hurting Apple in some key billion people markets where cheap Androids are catering to the vast majority of population with low income, including China and India.


Comex Updates with ‘It's Been Far Too Long’

Getting excited, aren't you? Actually everyone is getting excited especially me as we really want to jailbreak the iPad 2. Comex, one of the most-famous hackers in jailbreak comunity, earlier has showed a ski-slop with PDF symbol which indicates he has found a PDF-exploit to jailbreak iPad 2. Today, he's updated his site again with ‘It's Been Far Too Long.’

Not only that, he updated the site with some git commits which indicates back to August 2010. Do you understand anything? Yes, I do.This means that Comex has been working on the jailbreak for a year now.

Conclusion.. This hints an iPad 2 jailbreak very soon. We'll be here anytime it's available. Hopefuly stay tuned and keep in touch.