
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Turns Your iPad 2 Into MacBook Air (Video)

Wish you could use your iPad just like a plain old 10-inch netbook? Thanks to this very elaborate external Bluetooth keyboard will allow you to right off the bat, it’s important to note that Apple does offer an external Bluetooth keyboard that allows for faster typing, but it doesn’t offer the same convenience as this one. Imagine just taking your physical keyboard, latching it onto your iPad, and essentially ending up with an iOS-powered netbook in your hands.

This external keyboard was clearly thought out from the start, since the attention to detail in this product is close to the one you’d find on an actual Apple product. As you might have already noticed, the keyboard’s design is incredibly similar to the one on Apple’s MacBook Pro, only a lot more compact.

this product also takes steps to make the iPad feel more like a notebook. For instance, closing the lid (or rather, sliding the iPad down towards the keys) will automatically lock it, while sliding it back up will automatically power it on. It even appears to skip the Lock Screen, which is nothing short of logical.

this keyboard includes function keys for the iPad’s most prominent features, as well as other important controls. Brightness and audio, for example, can be adjusted by pressing their designated keys, much like on a Mac computer. There are other shortcut keys to display the Home Screen or perform a Spotlight search, among others.

(via M.I.C. Gadget)

iPhone 6 To Sport New Wireless Charging Technology

The sixth-generation iPhone, Apple is working on implementing a new way to charge the iPhone 6 according to a new report.
While the source hasn’t specified what such charging method would involve, or if it would replace the current USB charging method, many speculate that the iPhone 6 might be charged using “non-contact based platforms”.

Reports of the sixth iPhone have been quite scarce due to its far-away-from-launch nature. This source couldn’t have made it more clear that the iPhone 6 might not be charged through USB (at least exclusively).

Connecting a device to a computer, or plugging it into the wall, is necessary but unpractical. Although information on this subject is very scarce, Apple has a reason to be working on replacing standard charging solutions, and they indeed might be, since previous patent filings have indeed pointed to new charging technologies.

Other companies have experimented with this form of charging. Back in 2009, Palm (now a business division of HP) introduced a charging surface for its then-newly-released Palm Pre, which simply required the device to be placed on top of the charger. This method, much like the Palm Pre itself, have flopped, but a similar feature in an Apple product could succeed.

The next-generation iPhone on the other hand, known as the iPhone 5, is scheduled for introduction in September at Apple’s annual music event. New features will likely include an 8-megapixel camera, as opposed to the iPhone 4′s 5-megapixel one, and a dual-A5 processor inside. Although most sources have pointed to an identical design as the current iPhone, newer reports have suggested that it will have a thinner and lighter design.
(via AppleInsider)

Swype on iOS? Only if you are jailbroken

iPhone Download Blog posts a nice video of Swype on Jailbroken iOS

Swype is a keyboard system for touch mobile devices that enables users to type faster in some instances because it doesn’t require as much ‘tapping’. Apple has shown little interest in putting Swype on iOS devices however.

That’s where the jailbreaking community comes in. Andrew Liu (@WyndWarrior) is working on porting Swype to iOS. With the recent, making it incredibly easy to jailbreak your phone, many others will try it (remember it is in beta).

Secret Service goes after guy who installed spy cams on Apple Store Macs

You may have heard about a recent video that is a compilation of recordings of people using Apple Store display Macs. The video, highlighted by Gizmodo, was created by Kyle McDonald. McDonald created the video, you see above, by installing special spy camera software on Apple Store Macs. This software took recordings from two New York-based Apple Stores and sent it to Kyle’s computer. This is obviously super-invasive and when we first saw this video, we we’re certain that it was not going to end well for McDonald.

Mashable now reports that Apple has, in fact, gone after McDonald — but does not detail what Apple is looking to do. That’s not all though as the United States Secretive Service is also going after Kyle. Apparently, the Secret Service swiped two flash drives, an iPod, and two computers from McDonald’s home. After recording people, installing spy cam software on Apple’s private property, and having the Secret Service after him, McDonald reportedly believes he has not broken any laws.

Apple Store overnight planned for July 13th, new MacBook Airs and Lion signage awaits

We’ve heard from a few overseas sources that Apple Retail stores are planning ‘overnights’ on July 13th. Overnights are generally where Apple refreshes store displays and trains up management on new products. Sometimes it is big stuff and sometimes it is insignificant (at least to us).

July 13th, however, lines up with our Lion release date pretty nicely. We’re expecting the Lion release obviously, and also some new MacBook Airs which may or may not have faster storage, a Sandy Bridge CPU and Thunderbolts coming out the side.

We’ve heard some stories of backlit keyboards, 3Gs, a black option and the mythical 15-inch MacBook Air HD but they seem unlikely at this point.

Along with the Airs, there have been shortages of the White MacBooks, Mac Minis and (perhaps redesigned) Pros – everything that doesn’t currently have Thunderbolt — so those could also see updates. If not on the 14th, then perhaps shortly after.

In fact, Mac Pros and iMacs with Snow Leopard pre-installed have also seen some hiccups in inventory globally so we’re thinking Apple is going to re-package those items for Lion at some point in the next few months. Probably sooner rather than later.

JailbreakMe 3.0: Notes, Problems, Solutions – Everything You Need To Know

After weeks of waiting and talking wrong ETAs, Comex has finally released JailbreakMe 3.0 to give your iPad 2 a simple and easy jailbreak. JailbreakMe 3.0 is the first untethered jailbreak for iPad 2 since it was released. Some users are experiencing some problems, issues, bugs with JailbreakMe 3.0 so we’ve made this post to cover everything related to JailbreakMe 3.0.

What’s JailbreakMe & How Does It Work?

In case you’re new to the jailbreak world, you must know these things. JailbreakMe 3.0 is a PDF exploit just like its previous version Jailbreak Me 2.0. It decreases the time you need to jailbreak your device. Unlike Redsn0w, Greenpois0n, Sn0wbreeze and PwnageToool, JailbreakMe is a userland jailbreak tool (which means that you don’t need to connect your iOS device to your computer to use it, just from Safari browser). By taking advantage of a PDF exploit in Mobile Safari, it can execute code straight from your phone, jailbreak it and install Cydia.

Supported Devices:

JailbreakMe 3.0 will only work on this devices:

  • iPad 1: 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPad 2: 4.3.3
  • iPhone 3GS: 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPhone 4: 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPhone 4 CDMA: 4.2.6 to 4.2.8
  • iPod touch 3g: 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3
  • iPod touch 4g: 4.3 to 4.3.3

Why Should I Save SHSH Blobs of iOS 4.3.3?

That’s a good question. You’ve to save SHSH blobs of iOS 4.3.3 right now because Apple is about to release iOS 4.3.4 to fix JailbreakMe 3.0 exploit and you may update to it by mistake. In case that happens, you’ll be in a safe area since you have your SHSH blobs saved. You can always restore to a specific iOS using SHSH blobs of it which Apple prevents. So go use TinyUmbrella (from here) to save iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs now.

iPad 2G problems:

Yes, there’s of course some problems with the iPad 2. Every positive must have a minus. You can’t save SHSH blobs for iPad 2G since since it has a baseband that runs a different firmware from iOS. iTunes will not be able to sign your baseband and it’ll refuse to boot and give you a 1004 error. The sad thing about JailbreakMe is it’s not a bootrom exploit on the A5 bootrom. To sum it up, SHSH blobs for iPad 2G will be useless as you’ll not be able to restore back to iOS 4.3.3. JUST STAY AWAY FROM iOS 4.3.4.


  1. Your Device is connected to Wi-Fi connection or 3G. But it’s recommended to be connected via Wi-Fi as it still have some problems with 3G connection.
  2. It’s recommended you restore your iOS device to iOS 4.3.3 (links here) especially for iPad 2 which will not work except it’s on iOS 4.3.3.
  3. It’s strongly recommended that you restore your iOS device as a new device. Just sync your new applications, music, videos, images, notes and contacts (on Windows, make sure you have Outlook installed) via the iTunes software following the restoration.
  4. For iPhone users, make sure you have your original SIM card before restoring since you have to activate your iPhone via iTunes.
  5. To avoid problems, before you jailbreak your iOS device, go to Settings then Safari and Disable “Block pop-up” then empty your cache, history and etc.
  6. Also make sure that you disable Auto Lock function from Settings then General.
  7. It’s possible that you can’t access since the DNS server is overloaded. Just hold on, wait then try again after few minutes.
  8. PLEASE don’t update to iOS 4.3.4 when it’s released. It will kill your jailbreak.
  9. JailbreakMe 2.0 is still here. It’s compatible with all iOS devices iPad 3.2.1 and iPhone 4.0. You can access it by navigating your browser to
  10. It’s recommended to install “PDF Patcher 2″ from Cydia as shown below:

Take in consider that Comex will update JailbreakMe 3.0 to fix more bugs and add support for older devices. He was in hurry to release JailbreakMe 3.0 before Apple release iOS 4.3.4 so he released it with iOS 4.3.3 only support.

Please let us know in the comments section below in case you faced any problems. We’ll surely try to help you. Gets 1,000,000 Hits and 500,000 Downloads Already

The well-known iPhone hacker and developer Chpwn has tweeted that the newly released JailbreakMe 3.0 has made more than 1,000,000 hits and 500,000 downloads including iPhone, iPad and iPod touch in 10 hours only.

That’s a very huge number of users. I know that most of you were waiting urgently for JailbreakMe but that’s a lot. The jailbreak community always give us surprises which we don’t expect.

You can check our post here for most of problems, issues, bugs and its fixes for JailbreakMe 3.0.