
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Comex Updates with ‘It's Been Far Too Long’

Getting excited, aren't you? Actually everyone is getting excited especially me as we really want to jailbreak the iPad 2. Comex, one of the most-famous hackers in jailbreak comunity, earlier has showed a ski-slop with PDF symbol which indicates he has found a PDF-exploit to jailbreak iPad 2. Today, he's updated his site again with ‘It's Been Far Too Long.’

Not only that, he updated the site with some git commits which indicates back to August 2010. Do you understand anything? Yes, I do.This means that Comex has been working on the jailbreak for a year now.

Conclusion.. This hints an iPad 2 jailbreak very soon. We'll be here anytime it's available. Hopefuly stay tuned and keep in touch.

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