
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Isaacson’s Steve Jobs bio gets a much improved name

As noted by Fortune, Steve Jobs’ biography now has a more pleasant sounding name than its previous working title: iSteve: The Book of Jobs *cringe*

It’s got a new title. But it isn’t the one that Amazon has listed above…

The old one, iSteve: The Book of Jobs, was chosen by Simon & Schuster’s publicity department. The author, Walter Isaacson, was never quite sure about it. His wife and daughter, however, were. They thought it was too cutesy. And now Isaacson has persuaded his publisher to go with something simpler and more elegant:

Steve Jobs By Walter Isaacson.

Not surprisingly, The iTunes iBookstore has it right…in title at least. The cover? They need to do some work on that – or so says Marlboro.


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