
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Apple researching iPhone camera that compensates for perspective distortion

A new United States Patent & Trademark Office patent application from Apple entitled “Image Capture Device Having Tilt and/or Perspective Correction” has surfaced this morning, detailing how Apple is actively seeking to improve image taking and camera capabilities on mobile devices. According to Apple, future iPhones could automatically compensate for tilt or perspective distortion during image capture or later, by determining a device orientation relative to the object.

The correction could occur on the fly – using dynamic crop lines or a virtual level (a bit akin to the grid lines in the iOS 5 Camera app) - prior to storing the image in the memory and even afterwards, in which case the orientation and distance data would be embedded in the image itself, using custom tags withing the EXIF file. As a result, you’d get perfectly aligned snaps that require little or no post-processing in image editing programs in order to compensate for perspective distortion. And how would the iPhone’s camera figure out whether or not your shots are perfectly aligned with the horizon?

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